Monday, August 16, 2010

Sheer will.

One thing that hurts me nowadays is when someone lovely dislikes me.
Why do these things happen? It's as if I can't win in this dirt bubble of a town. 
Everyone's so tightly knit that I can barely stand it.
I feel like a damned hat pin.

I'll be getting a haircut this coming Wednesday. That seems to be the highlight of my week, seeing as Galen is gone to Pennsylvania.

I've hit a wall with Richard.
Now that he's got his own one and only, I won't exactly be the object of his attention when he visits anymore.
Sometime I think he's the one that keeps me sane.
Other times I find it's the exact opposite.

Nowadays, the people I truly trust are Zeb and Galen. God, here I am, spouting it off like a typical whiny teenager.
I hate it when I do that.

In any case, I simply cannot wait to start school.
I'm beginning my life.

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