Thursday, October 7, 2010


Having just started school, I've been not only constantly and ravenously hungry but also exhausted and stressed beyond comfort. Thus whenever I see Galen I could practically fall asleep from the unwinding of said stress...
Lately there have been a lot of comparisons floating around in this skull, for instance, how needy is too needy? And what really makes people like other people?  
The former: How needy is too needy?
I've a friend (Let's call him Jack, for whatever purpose) who doesn't seem to be able to be happy unless he's in an intimate relationship with somebody. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not posting this to tell Jack's story, but you ask, rather, about how he might go about doing what's important: being able to love yourself, BY yourself, before you can be truly happy in a relationship. In this case, he doesn't have the best family life; in fact it's slightly awful, but somehow he manages to be a rather good friend, and a brilliant person. So, he doesn't know what to look forward to other than finding someone to be in love with.

As for the latter, I've been somewhat studying people lately, and it seems that no matter how horrible someone may seem, there are always a few people that they can relate to and are even popular, on the occasion. Speaking from the perspective of someone who is almost never popular, I've always been curious as to how those people pull it off.
I hear it confidence, and that's true, but it's not just that; it's confidence, and your relationship with those people that experience what you have to put out there. it just seems that in this town, if you're not a specific kind of person, most will not enjoy your presence as they will others. And it also seems that these Springspeople are less tolerant and open-minded as they might claim.
I suppose, for the time being, I'm just trying to figure out how to be an amusing, enjoyable human, to everyone including myself. Wish me luck.

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